
Booking music lessons online has never been easier. This is my first complete project associated with the Career Foundry UX Immersion Course.

Open prototype

About this project

Headz is a responsive website that connects musicians with musicians. The aim is to bring together people from all disciplines of music making from experts in instruments to experts in recording and modern music production and provide a platform for them to share their skills in a fun, easy and productive way.




User Research

It was important for me to understand potential users before I began to ideate. Teaching and learning are special interpersonal communication interactions. I wanted to know how people felt about online vs IRL learning.

User Personas

User Personas were created to help me better understand the data I collected and assist me in visualising the potential user journeys. Both ‘Sylvie’ & ‘Alex’ represented differnt Users intrested in learning new music skills.

User Flows

Key User Flow diagrams were created in order to visualise how a user might flow through my site.

Card Sorting

I asked a selection of potential users to place keywords and terms into a few key categories via a card sort in order to measure how I might structure the information architecture of my site. This lead me to key insights as to how I might plan my sitemap.

Site Map

Based on the data and insights collected uptothis stage, a site map was created to provide a navigation guide for prototyping


Based on my research I began work on a series of prototypes. Starting with quickly sketched wireframes and progressing to an MVP created in Figma with basic functionality.

Usability Testing

I created a Usabiility Test Plan that focused on key objectives and propsed two scenarios.

Usability Analysis

Using the Jakob Nielson Severity Scale I identified 6 key errors that needed addressing.


Will Rattray


Social Media:

LinkedIn Behance